• Keep an eye out for the debut of "Ruby's Designs Worth Doing Club" •
Let us know if you're hosting a Ruby Short McKim exhibit, class, presentation, etc. and we'll post it on our calendar!

November, 2016
The Appliqué Society Newsletter The
November/December TAS Newsletter features another offering from Barbara
Eikmeier's project series. The series features new pattern projects
from Grammy's book, One Hundred One Patchwork Patterns".
The Appliqué Society
Barbara Eikmeier
FALL, 2016
Primitive Quilts & Projects The Fall issue features a wonderful article about Ruby (and patterns of course), written by Barbara Eikmeier…Don't miss it!
Primitive Quilts & Projects
Barbara Eikmeier
September 16-17, 2016
34th Annual Northland Needlers Quilt Show McKim
Studios is pleased to announce yet another special exhibit, centered
around Ruby's 2016 Centennial Celebration. McKim Studios will be
working closely with Denise Dodd, Co-Chair for the 2016 Quilt Show, to
light Grammy up here at home!
Salvation Army Community Center
5306 North Oak Trafficway - Kansas City, MO
Northland Needlers Quilt Show
September, 2016
The Appliqué Society Newsletter The September/October TAS Newsletter features another offering from Barbara Eikmeier's project series, and continues
throughout the year. The series features new pattern projects
from Grammy's book, One Hundred One Patchwork Patterns".
The Appliqué Society
Barbara Eikmeier
July, 2016
The Appliqué Society Newsletter The July/August TAS Newsletter features another offering from Barbara Eikmeier's project series, and continues
throughout the year. The series features new pattern projects
from Grammy's book, One Hundred One Patchwork Patterns".
The Appliqué Society
Barbara Eikmeier
June 9-11, 2016
Minnesota Quilters 38th Annual Show and Conference McKim
Studios is proud and honored to announce a special exhibit at the show
titled "Ruby Short McKim • 100 Years of Designs Worth Doing".
Morgan Yeats and Rose Marie Werner have generously volunteered to make
it happen, and it's moving right along! I hope to see you there ;
St. Cloud, MN
Minnesota Quilters
June, 2016 • 6:30 pm
Four Seasons Quilts • Ruby Short McKim Exhibit
9708 63rd Avenue North - Maple Grove, MN
Four Seasons Quilt Shop
June 9, 2016
Minnesota Quilters 38th Annual Show and Conference Lecture: Ruby Short McKim 100 Years of Designs Worth Doing • Rose Marie Werner
Rose Marie Werner will give a lecture about one of her favorite
designers, Ruby. I, for one, can't wait to see and hear her
River's Edge Convention Center - St. Cloud, MN
Minnesota Quilters
Rose Marie Werner
is an independent researcher from Dundas, MN. Her interest in the
history of quilting has led her to a research project of documenting
twentieth-century quilt kits. She also collects quilts from the
designers and companies she is researching.
Rose Marie Werner • Quilt Kits ID
May 20-22, 2016
International Quilt Market • Spring 2016
Watch for a couple of awesome surprises at the Fabri-Quilt / Paintbrush Studio booth ;o)
Salt Palace Convention Center - Salt Lake City, UT
International Quilt Market
May 7, 2016
Sunflower Piecemakers Quilt Guild • Ruby Short McKim Special Exhibit
Come visit Grammy's exhibit and stop by our booth for a visit!
Lansing Community Center - Lansing, KS
Sunflower Piecemakers Quilt Guild
May, 2016
The Appliqué Society Newsletter The May/June TAS Newsletter features the fourth and final of Grammy's darling
appliqué patterns. Barbara Eikmeier's project series continues
throughout the year. The series features new pattern projects
from Grammy's book, One Hundred One Patchwork Patterns".
The Appliqué Society
Barbara Eikmeier
March 19, 2016
National Quilting Day
March, 2016
The Appliqué Society Newsletter The March/April TAS Newsletter features the third of four darling
appliqué patterns. Barbara Eikmeier's project series continues
throughout the year. The series features new pattern projects
from Grammy's book, One Hundred One Patchwork Patterns".
The Appliqué Society
Barbara Eikmeier
March 12-29, 2016 — Tuesday through Sunday, 11:00 to 4:00
The Folsom History Museum • Ruby Short McKim Exhibit 37th Annual Vintage Quilt and Vintage Fashion Exhibit: Heavenly Stars and Other Beauties
Featuring Star Quilts, Crib Quilts, and the Quilts of Ruby Short McKim
823 Sutter Street - Folsom, CA 95630 - (916) 985-2707
Folsom Historical Society
February, 2016
Quilters Newsletter The
February/March issue features a wonderful article about Ruby (and
patterns of course), written by Barbara Eikmeier…Don't miss it!
Quilters Newsletter
Barbara Eikmeier
January, 2016
The Appliqué Society Newsletter The
January/February TAS Newsletter features the second of four darling
appliqué patterns. Barbara Eikmeier's project series continues
throughout the year. The series features new pattern projects
from Grammy's book, One Hundred One Patchwork Patterns".
The Appliqué Society
Barbara Eikmeier

November, 2015
The Appliqué Society Newsletter The
November/December TAS Newsletter features a few Grammy Goodies…Editor
Patti Ives interviewed McKim Studios to find out more about Ruby and a
granddaughter's journey. The first of four darling appliqué patterns
follows the interview, and the other three will follow in consecutive
issues. Barbara Eikmeier begins a project series for TAS, which will
continue throughout the year. The series features new pattern projects
from Grammy's book, One Hundred One Patchwork Patterns, starting with the "Rose Cross".
The Appliqué Society
Barbara Eikmeier
November 6, 2015
Ruby's 2016 Calendar Contest 2016 Calendars Ready to Ship a week early!
September 15, 2015
Ruby's 2016 Calendar Contest Announce Winners ; )
July 16-19, 2015
The 66th Annual United Federation of Doll Clubs Convention
By the mid-1930s McKim Studios gradually
transitioned into Kimport Dolls, a business that continued for the rest
of Grammy and Granddaddy's lives. It was carried on by my Father, Kim,
who was born in 1933, after their trip to the Paris Exposition in 1932.
will be a special Kimport exhibit and luncheon at the UFDC Convention this
year, and the McKim family very excited. Some McKim Studios ephemera will be
on display as well.
KC Marriott Downtown - Kansas City, MO
UFDC Convention
June 19-21, 2015
Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival 2015
Kansas City is nicknamed the “City of Fountains,” but in June of 2015
it will become the “City of Quilts.” Fuel your creative spirit by
attending the inaugural Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival which is
set to be the largest quilt expo of its kind in the area.
Overland Park Convention Center - Overland Park, KS
Kansas City Quilt Festival
June 15 — August 15, 2015
Ruby's 2016 Calendar Contest Accepting Entries
Enter the 2016 Calendar Contest
April 18-19, 2015
Northfield Quilters Show—Ruby Short McKim Bed Turning • Rose Marie Werner The bed turning will feature quilts made from Ruby Short McKim patterns or kits and will be repeated 3 times each day.
Northfield Senior Center
1651 Jefferson Parkway - Northfield, MN
April 18, 2015
Ruby Short McKim–My Personal Treasure • Merrily McKim Tuohey This
presentation features a brief introduction to Ruby Short McKim, the
story of destiny's hand in a granddaughter's journey, a glimpse into
"Grammy's" personal and professional history, followed by a viewing of
treasures in the McKim Family Collection.
MOKA Quilt Study Group (Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas)
University Plaza & Museum on the Square - Joplin, MO
March, 2015
Ruby’s Flower Basket Quilt • A Block-of-the-Month Program McKim Studios will begin mailing the BOM Programs to participating Quilt Shops.
February 15, 2015
Ruby’s Flower Basket Quilt • A Block-of-the-Month Program Last day to sign up for the program at the introductory price!
(Please note the Program will continue to be available after today at the regular price.)
Sign up for Ruby’s Flower Basket Quilt BOM Program
January 16, 2015
Ruby's Centennial Celebration • 2016 Calendar Contest This online contest was inspired by
McKim Studios’ upcoming 2016 National Celebration, “Ruby Short McKim
··· A Century of Designs Worth Doing”. Quilters are invited to
enter their Ruby Short McKim reproduction quilts in McKim Studios’
first official competition to celebrate Ruby’s contribution to quilt
history. This competition gives quilters an excellent opportunity
to share their work with people across the country.
2016 Calendar Contest Details

December, 2014
Ruby’s Flower Basket Quilt • A Block-of-the-Month Program (Introductory Offer) McKim Studios has teamed up with Kansas City Star Quilts
to bring you this very special Block-of-the-Month-Program. Donna di
Natale, quilt book author and editor at Kansas City Star Quilts, is
working directly on the project. This program is the first of many new
offerings and events in the works to celebrate Ruby Short McKim’s “A
Century of Designs Worth Doing” in 2016. Her first pattern, Quaddy
Quiltie, was published in 1916 by The Kansas City Star.
Sign up for Ruby’s Flower Basket Quilt BOM Program
October 17, 2014
Ruby Short McKim–The Quilt Designing Gem • Janette Dwyer
This program is about one particular innovative individual that paved
the way with quilting patterns as well as quilting styles we still
enjoy today.
Dekalb County Quilter's Guild - Sycamore, IL
September 1-13, 2014
The Big Adventure 'Down Under' • Merrily McKim Tuohey & Janette Dwyer Off
to judge a quilt contest in Adelaide, Australia at their 175th Royal Adelaide
Show. The contest was for Grammy's Farm Life Quilt, which was published
there in 1932. Grammy & Granddaddy connected with the 'Adelaide
Chronicles' newspaper when they went to the Paris Exposition in 1932.
Rhymeland and The Three Little Pigs quilt pattern series were also
published in there. The Royal Adelaide Show - Adelaide, Australia
Lean more about 'The Show'
August 2, 2014
Ruby Short McKim–The Quilt Designing Gem • Janette Dwyer
This program is about one particular innovative individual that paved
the way with quilting patterns as well as quilting styles we still
enjoy today.
Iowa Illinois Quilt Study Group
Kalona Quilt and Textile Museum - Kalona, IA
June, 2014
Ruby Short McKim • A Century of Designs Worth Doing 2016
Marks the 100th aniversary of Ruby Short McKim's 1st published Quilt
Pattern, Quaddy Quiltie, in 1916. Many of you are familiar with Ruby
Short McKim’s quilt and needlework designs. She is widely recognized
for her body of work, as well as for her book One Hundred and One Patchwork Patterns published in 1931. Her quilt pattern series were syndicated in newspapers all over the country–weekly or monthly.
Quaddy Quiltie, also known as the “Bedtime Quilt”, was published in The Kansas City Star in 1916. This was her first, and probably most famous quilt series.
Read more about the 2016 Celebration
May 13, 2014
Ruby Short McKim–My Personal Treasure • Merrily McKim Tuohey This
presentation features a brief introduction to Ruby Short McKim, the
story of destiny's hand in a granddaughter's journey, a glimpse into
"Grammy's" personal and professional history, followed by a viewing of
treasures in the McKim Family Collection.
Twilight Stitchers Guild - Blue Springs, MO
May 13, 2014
Ruby Short McKim–The Quilt Designing Gem • Janette Dwyer
This program is about one particular innovative individual that paved
the way with quilting patterns as well as quilting styles we still
enjoy today.
Cumberland Valley Quilt Guild - Nashville, TN
May 5, 2014
My Journey with Ruby Short McKim • Barbara Wells An informal program for our local quilt group…“I learned to piece from patterns in the Dover edition of 101 Patchwork Patterns
which was about all that was out there when I was starting. There was
no one to teach me how, my one grandmother that did quilt was gone long
before I was born. Ruby's book was my bible for quilting for years,
until the mid 70's when the centennial celebration in 1976 renewed
interest in quilting.
At an antique store I found Flower Garden Quilt blocks and turned them
into a quilt. At that time I didn't know they were Ruby Short McKim
designs. Later I found the picture in the book I had been using for
years for patterns. I read all I could find on Ruby and bought whatever
pattern of hers I could find. Then I found McKim Studios Revival, which
is all about Ruby's legacy. I gave the group a little 'trunk show' with
the quilts that I had created from the new McKim Studios patterns:
Quaddie, Roly Poly Circus, Jolly Circus, Farm Animal quilts from Farm
Life, and the Mother Goose Panel.
They were excited to hear about Merrily's trip to Australia to judge
the Farm Life Quilt Contest over there. I shared the news about the Kansas City Star book
and the 100th Anniversary planned for 2016. And, of course, I showed
them my copy of the new Farm Life Quilt Pattern Book.”
Country Samples Quilt Group - Reardan, WA